
Australia Funds Research into Open Source EHR

The Australian Government has taken another step towards its plan to introduce a ‘lifetime’ electronic health record system following the
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Fife Acute Hospitals Introduce New Network

Fife Acute Hospitals NHS Trust has begun introducing a new Citrix-based IT network across its four main sites. The network,
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Virtual Consultations Could Save Unnecessary Tests

A large scale telemedicine trial published in The Lancet demonstrates that virtual outpatient appointments conducted using videoconference technology can reduce
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Plymouth Hospitals Go Live with E-Procurement

Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust has begun to trade electronically with its suppliers using EROS version 4.4 – the first e-purchasing
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Scotland Invests in Joined up Health and Social Care

The Scottish Executive announced last week that it will invest in developing data sharing and common data standards to help
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Website Unites Health Support Online

A new website aims to become the friends reunited of online health information services by linking together people who are
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Milburn says NHS Falling Behind on IT

Health secretary Alan Milburn has characterised the NHS’s information technology as fragmented and piecemeal, with low levels of investment causing
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DH Preparing £5 Billion IT Strategy

This week E-Health Insider provides an advance preview of the yet to be released, yet to be approved, draft implementation
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West Berkshire PCTs and Torex Work on Multidisciplinary Record

Clinical teams in West Berkshire are to work with Torex Health to develop a next-generation community and primary care system
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Health Data Protection Group Formed

The first meeting of the new Health Records and Data Protection Review Group, set up to advise the Government on
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