
CareZone Receives DoH Funding

The UK Department of Health has announced a £1 million investment in CareZone, an online initiative to provide range of
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Scottish GP Practices to Offer Access to Internet

A new initiative has been launched in Scotland to provide public access to the Internet in the local GP surgery,
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Pathology Messaging Upgrade for Torex Users

GP practices using Torex Health solutions are to receive a software upgrade which will enable them to receive encrypted pathology
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Health IT Leaders Welcome Wanless

From being strictly a minority interest healthcare Information and Communication technology (ICT) has suddenly moved to centre stage in British
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European Mobile Health Takes First Steps

Mobile health aims to do nothing less than turn traditional healthcare on its head. As numerous speakers at Mobile Health
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NHS Needs To Double IT Spending – Wanless

A doubling of spending on information and communication technology will be needed to fund ambitious targets set out in the
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New Approach on Electronic Records Needed

Despite the investment of tens of billions of Euros in healthcare IT the industry worldwide has failed to deliver on
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Strong Patient Demand for Online Access to Doctors

Ninety percent of adults who are online want some form of electronic communication with their doctors, according to US market
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Instant Medical History Comes to Europe

One of the biggest obstacles to electronic records is getting doctors to enter patient details onto systems electronically. A US
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Royal Wolverhampton Goes for Optimum EPR

The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals (RWH) NHS Trust has contracted with Optimum HealthWare, a division of VisionWare Plc, to incrementally develop
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