
Mobile Mental Health EPR a European First

Mental Health services are rarely seen as being on the glamorous side of information technology in healthcare but a groundbreaking
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Slow Take-Off For E-Learning

E-Learning has yet to take off as hoped for or predicted, according to an article in the current issue of
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Expanded Role for NHS Direct

Supporting people with chronic conditions, supporting ambulance services and reducing waiting times in A&E will be part of the expanded
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DH Presents Blueprint for IT Transformation

A plan for transforming NHS IT is on its way to the Treasury this week. If all goes well, the
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Switching on Lightbulb

Early birds who rose in time for an HC 2002 breakfast meeting were rewarded with an account of the preparatory
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NHS Web-based Email Due for Summer Launch

A national email service designed to meet the needs of the NHS is now due to be launched this summer,
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Top Effectiveness Prize for Wirral

An automated dispensing system that has saves staff time and reduces drug dispensing errors took the top prize in the
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Audit Commission says Information Quality a Priority

The Audit Commission has published a new report highlighting the need for NHS organisations to take urgent steps to improve
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Government Urged to be Patient on Patient Records

The Government should accept that the 2005 target for electronic patient records will be missed and not be panicked into
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EPR at the Heart of NHS Redesign

Electronic patient records (EPRs) are good news for NHS organisations and patients, but recent academic research by the NHS Confederation’s
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