
Live Testing of NHS Electronic Staff Records Begins

The live testing of a new national pay and personnel system for the, was launched on Friday at University Hospital
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Combined Government Gateway Review Due for IT Programme

The National NHS IT Programme is scheduled to be submitted to a combined Government Gateway review by the end of
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Planning Blight Accusation For IT Programme

Over 300 IT suppliers and would-be suppliers to the NHS packed the QE2 Conference Centre in London last week for
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Scottish Universities Lead Virtual Medical School

A group of leading international medical schools, led by Scotland’s University of Dundee, have announced plans to create the world’s
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NHS Information Charter Needed Says Consumers Association

The NHS should publish a charter outlining how it will share health information and service users must be given a
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Investment, Expansion and Reform Plans Reinforce IM&T Agenda

Information management and technology (IM&T) is identified as one of the key areas underpinning NHS and social care development which
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Homerton Launches Text Message Reminders

Homerton University Hospital, in East London, has became the first UK hospital to launch a mobile phone-based text messaging service,
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Green Light for New Shared Services Authority

The NHS Shared Services Initiative, which is responsible for shared NHS financial services, the finance and e-commerce project and the
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Personal Health Journal Advocated

A US group of health reformers has advocated the development of a Personal Health Journal, a voluntary system of electronic
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EDS Signs $142m Deal for NHS Directory and e-Mail Service

IT services multinational, EDS, has finalised a $142m (£91m) deal to develop and deliver a full e-mail and directory service
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