
eMatron – the Ultimate Nursing Boss

With no role out of bounds for the IT revolution, a US healthcare technology provider has devised electronic decision support
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Internet Consultations Contribute to Patient Care

Internet consultations between consultants at centres of excellence and referring doctors can contribute to patient care by generating suggestions for
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National Programme ‘Mobilises’ for Delivery

The shape of things to come on NHS IT started to become clearer during the course of Healthcare Computing with
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‘Trust Me’, I’m the Director-General

NHS Director-General of IT Richard Granger this week used his first major public speech to make a personal appeal to
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Torex Acquires UK Operations of IBA Health

Torex PLC has announced a strategic alliance with IBA Health Ltd, the Australian supplier of healthcare information systems. As part
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DH Shapes Up National IT Structures

The "Who Does What" debate at the top level of healthcare IT continues but the HC2003 audience at Harrogate this
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First Anniversary for National IT Programme

Birthday greetings to the NHS National IT Programme! It’s 12 months since a new centrally-driven plan for transforming the NHS
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IBM and Newchurch to build ICRS demonstrator

A contract has been awarded to IBM and Newchurch to develop a prototype primary care shared clinical information service for
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Gateshead Prescribes Business Intelligence Software

Gateshead Health NHS Trust has begun to use business intelligence software provided by Cognos to help monitor and proactively improve performance,
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Bumper Response to National IT Programme OJEC

Some 99 firms have submitted responses to the Department of Health’s OJEC advertisement inviting expressions of interest from firms to
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