
Six in ten NHS organisations ‘ready’ for FOI

Preparation for the introduction of the Freedom of Information Act is mixed among NHS communications officers, with 58% saying that
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Record hits for NHS Direct Online over Christmas break

The DH have announced a 30% increase on hits to the NHS Direct website over the Christmas period, the busiest since
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Intelligent joint supports use wireless technology

Joint supports for patients with arthritis or poor muscle strength could soon get an injection of artificial intelligence and wireless
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Health and Social Care chief talks about year ahead

Bob Allen, interim chief executive of the new Information Centre for Health and Social Care, has spoken to E-Health Insider
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NPfIT issues rebuttal of EMIS’s claims

The National Programme for IT (NPfIT) has stated that it is ‘concerned’ about statements made by primary care systems supplier
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More investment in Irish health IT needed, says report

The Information Society Commission of Ireland, an independent advisory board set up to investigate and report on IT matters for
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ID cards may become healthcare ‘entitlement’ cards

The National Programme for IT has begun initial conversations with the Home Office to examine how the IT infrastructure being
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Lessons from America

E-Health Insider talks to David Brailer, national co-ordinator for health IT in the US, about how the US and English
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EMIS sets out its version of ‘fact and fiction’

Primary Care systems supplier EMIS has issued its customers with a briefing about its relationship with the NHS National Programme for
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Document software speeds up transfer to GPs

PCTI, who supply document management and filing software to general practice, have released an update to their software that promises
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