
GMC doctor search now shows restrictions

The General Medical Council has updated its search facility so that restrictions on a doctor’s registration are immediately visible online,
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Preventing errors in phone consultations

A reminder to doctors to beware of the pitfalls of using the telephone to communicate with patients has come from
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Bavaria launches patient-controlled health records

The German Patient-Partner Association (PPV), a health provider network, and the German statutory health insurance organisation AOK Bavaria are to
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Communicating in a crisis

Christopher Small, Director for Public Sector, Telewest Business, argues that the NHS must have robust networks in place to deal
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Singapore’s National Healthcare Group buys Soarian

Siemens Medical Solutions has signed a major deal with Singapore’s National Healthcare Group (NHG) for an enterprise-wide implementation of its
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Upgrade leaves practice without consultant letters

A practice has had to run consultations without access to consultants’ letters for almost a month because of an IT
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Loophole could force release of deceased’s records

A loophole in the Data Protection Act means GPs could be forced to disclose the records of deceased patients, GP
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Comms strategy must be tested for emergencies

Every NHS organisation must test their communication strategy twice a year in order to ensure readiness for major incidents, according
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Primis wins NHS data quality contract

Primis, the primary care data quality service, has won a four year contract with Connecting for Health to work with
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Scottish GPs aim for 90% e-referral in 2006

Scottish GPs should be sending 90% of referrals electronically by the end of March next year, according to new guidance
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