
Correcting for health

EHI Primary Care looks at Connecting for Health's work in updating health IT in prisons, and progress in a similar
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RCGP ethics committee recommends opt-in for NCRS

The ethics committee of the Royal College of GPs has recommended that patients must have the right to opt-in to
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Long-term monitoring under the skin

Advances in subcutaneous sensors that will enable patients to be monitored wirelessly are reported this week by researchers in Finland.
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Renal patients get online records

Health minister Rosie Winterton is to unveil a new site for renal patients that will allow them to manage their
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Appointment reminders mistaken for ‘scam’

A Scottish scheme using automated calling to contact patients and remind them of their hospital appointments has been withdrawn after
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Virtual healthcare research institute launched

A group of research institutions and healthcare user groups has joined forces to form the Virtual Institute of Research in
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Granger sets November deadline for BT in London

BT has been warned by NHS IT boss Richard Granger that they must hit a 28 November deadline to switch
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ETP should be fully operational by end of 2007

Electronic transmission of prescriptions (ETP) will be deployed over two releases and should be fully operational by the end of
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Ending the ‘rough ride’ for health informaticians

People who choose to work in health informatics have had a ‘fairly rough ride’ with no obvious career pathways and
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Cisco makes new medical connections

Cisco Systems Inc. has announced a series of new applications that are now available as part of its Medical Grade
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