
Decision support software can reduce hospitalisation

A study published in this month’s American Journal of Managed Care has found that clinical decision support software, backed up
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John Radcliffe develops e-prescribing for blood

John Radcliffe Hospital, part of the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust, is developing a new electronic prescribing system for blood
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Outside the inbox

Chris Booth, who has been working with SMS and healthcare for several years, says that text messaging can do more
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NPfIT urged to communicate with nurses

The Royal College of Nursing have called for better communication between nursing staff and the National Programme for IT, and
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Scotland considering buying replacement GP system

The Scottish Executive Health Department (SEHD) is considering the procurement of an alternative IT system for Scottish GPs. Dr Stuart
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E-mail mentoring to help budding nurses

The University of East Anglia has set up an e-mail mentoring programme to help 14-15 year-olds from deprived backgrounds who
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PACS installed across rural Welsh NHS Trust

North West Wales NHS Trust is to implement LifeImaging PACS software from Ferrania across its nine hospitals, many of which
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Doctors’ belief in NHS IT project fading

Doctors’ enthusiasm for the NHS National Programme for IT (NPfIT) has declined sharply over the past 12 months, with the
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Waiting to connect

How soon will GP2GP transfer be possible? EHI Primary Care looks at progress so far, and how much of the
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Pessimism rife among doctors about NPfIT’s benefits

The latest Medix-UK survey, co-sponsored by E-Health Insider, shows that three years into the NHS National Programme for IT confidence
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