
This time it’s personal

Why do we need electronic health records, anyway? Gerry Yantis and Manuel Lowenhaupt of CapGemini argue that the challenges faced
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£95m package to boost e-booking uptake

Primary care trusts (PCTs) that offer a choice of hospital treatment to non-emergency patients through the electronic ‘choose and book’
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NAO finds Choose and Book running late

Technical problems, delays in delivering upgrades and failure to engage GPs means the roll-out of Choose and Book, the national
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MHRA to let patients report side-effects online

The DH have implemented changes to the way that adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are reported and publicised, including allowing patients
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Wirral tenders for new patient care system

A trust that pioneered the use of IT in the NHS is tendering for a new patient care information system
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Ambulance trust gets network upgrade boost

Two Shires Ambulance Trust, which covers Buckhamshire and Northamptonshire, have installed a new virtual private network which manufactures Redstone say
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DH focuses on ‘self care’ through IT services

The DH have announced the release of a guidance document for supporting self-care of long-term conditions, such as diabetes, that
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Joining forces

David Grigsby of LiquidLogic puts the case for the importance of IT in multi-agency working, and what problems must be
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Autism care charity installs document security

A regional charitable trust that provides residential care and education for people in the south-west of England with autism and
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E-booking to miss its appointment

Choose and Book, the programme for providing electronic patient appointment booking, will not deliver a fully featured system across the
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