
iSOFT linked to GE in takeover rumours

Manchester-based iSOFT saw a fillip in its share price early this week on the back of rumours in the financial
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Northampton implements McKesson’s Child Plus

Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust has gone live with a new child health system supplied by McKesson that will provide
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NHS pensions proposals get the thumbs-down

Proposals to raise the NHS retirement age from 60 to 65 and change the method for calculating pensions received a
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InPS SMS upgrade allows for care service alerts

In Practice Systems (InPS) has announced an extension to its Vision system that will allow general practices not only to
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UK doctors could sign off American online drug orders

A Canadian online pharmacies’ lobby has announced that many of its members plan on moving their business to the UK
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NHS treatment centres sign deal for PAS software

IQ Systems, which manufactures patient administration has signed a five-year software supply contract with Mercury Health, an organisation that runs a number of
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UK drug companies to publish trial results online

The Association for the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) have agreed a voluntary code of conduct that the results of clinical
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Flu software helps plan healthcare resources

The US-based Centre for Disease Control, part of the Department for Health and Human Services, has released free software to
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Words get around

Blogging is one of the success stories of the internet. E-Health Insider looks at NHS staff who blog and also
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Scottish NHS IT reform spend inefficient, says Microsoft

Microsoft’s outgoing director for Scotland and new sales director for Europe, Gordon McKenzie, has spoken out against progress so far
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