
NPfIT scrutinised by Public Accounts Committee

The Public Accounts Committee hearing into the NHS National Programme for IT yesterday heard that the £12.4bn programme is largely
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CfH accused of ‘sham’ on clinical consultation

Perhaps the most unexpected part of the Commons Public Accounts Committee hearing on the National Programme for IT this week was the
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Unwinding the cord

NHS Direct aims to develop its core health advice service to offer a range of remote care additional services to
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In4tek sponsored feature

Making information flow smoothly between different health and social care agencies is a shared goal around the globe and this
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Anti-fraud software extended to all NHS acute trusts

A pilot scheme that detected nearly £1m of duplicate and fraudulent payments by the public sector has been extended to
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CfH still sidelining doctors, BMA chair claims

The chairman of the British Medical Association has told his members that “another year has been wasted” in efforts to
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