
Bucking the trend

Sunderland PCT is on course to deliver the March 2007 target of 90% of referrals through Choose and Book. EHIPC
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IT staff jobs at risk in cuts to NHS Blood Service

Staff who have been developing and implementing a new blood tracking systems for the NHS Blood Service designed to improve
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iSoft system leaves North Staffs unable to bill

University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust, one of the most indebted trusts in the country, is facing a potential
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Europe’s citizens must be engaged on e-health

Efforts to increase the levels of ICT in healthcare will not succeed if average citizens are not involved in discourse about
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EMIS links with Tiara9 for appointment booking

EMIS have announced they are to link their GP software to Ethical Technology (Ethitec)’s Tiara9 electronic patient record system for
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Granger compares BMA to the National Union of Miners

NHS IT boss Richard Granger has compared the British Medical Association to the National Union of Mineworkers, describing the influential
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Nuffield blames ‘weak’ HC rating on computer problems

Nuffield Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust has blamed its relatively poor performance rating from the Healthcare Commission on the failures of
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One in five trusts below standard on patient information

One in five NHS trusts in England do not store, use and dispose of information about patients to an agreed
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European hospitals comparatively advanced in ICT

European hospitals are quite well-equipped with basic information and communication technologies compared to nine other key sectors in the economy
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Opening the book

What does the industry think of the proposed CfH supplier catalogue? E-Health Insider gauges the response.
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