
Urgent care IT improvement discussed

Seamless patching of voice and data information between urgent care providers and access to electronic patient records for everyone involved
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Mobile version of Clinical Evidence launched

The BMJ Publishing Group and US knowledge management systems developers, Unbound Medicine, have launched a new mobile resource which gives
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A torrid few months

iSoft chairman John Weston talks to E-Health Insider about the company's new start following some difficult months.
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Milton Keynes’ Cerner implementation postponed

Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Trust has had to postpone its implementation of a new Cerner Millennium patient administration system at
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Getting the message

Tim Benson of HL7 UK explains how clinical document architecture, a 'human readable' version of the healthcare language, will operate.
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Danish GPs enjoy the best IT systems, says study

Denmark is the most advanced country in the world for clinical information technology systems in primary care, health informatics luminary
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iSoft pulls back from the precipice

During the last few months iSoft has had a ‘near death experience’ the company’s chairman and acting chief executive, John
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Granger says he wants ‘catalogue’ of additional suppliers

The boss of the NHS IT agency Connecting for Health (CfH) has said that he intends to create a catalogue
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EuroKing launches Miracle in Scotland

Maternity information systems suppliers EuroKing has partnered with bms (Scotland) Ltd in a bid to get the company’s Miracle system used
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Specialist search engine for GPs launched

A new medical search engine for GPs called SearchMedica was launched yesterday by publishers CMPMedica, who publish the GP newspaper
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