
Call for national standards on remote access

GPs are calling for national standards on remote access to practice computer systems because of concerns that present methods could
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Nurses ‘losing enthusiasm’ for NHS IT reform

The number of nurses across the UK who believe in the benefits of IT reform in the NHS is falling,
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‘No believable plan’ for completion of iSoft Lorenzo

A confidential review of iSoft’s release schedule has revealed that there are no immediate prospects for the completion and delivery
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NI to link barcodes on prescriptions to EPRs

The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in Northern Ireland has announced it has signed a £6.8m contract
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Criticisms of NHS IT programme were cut from NAO report

Detailed criticisms of the management of the NHS IT modernisation programme, being overseen by Connecting for Health, were cut from
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Cerner switches on at St James, Dublin

A new Cerner system at St. James Hospital, Dublin, the Republic of Ireland’s largest hospital, combines data, imaging, orders and
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Meet the suppliers: Ascribe

EHI talks to Stephen Critchlow, head of healthcare IT group Ascribe, about his clinical background and future plans for consolidation.
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IM+T DES participation check advised

Primary care trusts are being advised to contact all GP practices to check if they intend to take part in
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IMS signs contract with BT for London trust

IMS MAXIMS Plc today announced that it had signed a three year contract with London local service provider, BT, to supply
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CfH seeks acute trust for blood barcoding pilot

NHS Connecting for Health and the National Patient Safety Agency have announced they are looking for an acute trust to
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