
Leicestershire PCTs saving approx £2m from clinical IT

Health software supplier Ethitec has calculated that the six primary care trusts in Leicestershire are making efficiency savings worth the
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IBM donates code to open source health project

IBM has donated code to the foundation’s Open Healthcare Framework (OHF), which works on increasing interoperability of healthcare software
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Strike action threat over NHS Direct cuts

  Unison and the Royal College of Nursing are warning they may consider strike action after a consultation into staff
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MP calls for clarity on payments to iSoft

Following yesterday’s suspension of iSoft co-founder, Steve Graham, pending investigation of possible accounting irregularities, Richard Bacon MP, has called for
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DH to survey Electronic Social Care Record progress

The Department of Health (DH) is to carry out a survey on how the Electronic Social Care Record (ESCR) is
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EU project looks at DNA link to patient records

A telemedicine project funded by the European Union has been looking at ways of matching patients in emergency situations with
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iSoft probe shows ‘possible accounting irregularities’

Health IT supplier, iSoft Group, announced today that an initial investigation had uncovered evidence of irregularities in the company’s accounts
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Lend a hand

What is being doing to improve the technological links between health and social care? EHI Primary Care talks to David
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Cash constraints may ‘grey out’ C+B options, warns LMC

Patient choice may be restricted or “greyed out” under Choose and Book as cash strapped hospitals struggle to meet financial
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PACS passes halfway stage in London and South

The programme to deploy Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) in London and the South of England has passed the
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