
Microsoft acquires health data aggregation package

 Microsoft have announced the acquisition of a healthcare data aggregation software package, Azyxxi, and an alliance with the US-based health
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Codegate sponsored feature

In this feature, produced with Codegate, suppliers of the LabelTrace system developed by QuickTrace, we discuss how automating label production
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System C signs for three more years with CSC

System C Healthcare has signed a new three year services contract with Computer Sciences Corporation Limited (CSC), to provide services
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Record C+B non-availability, GPC advises

GP negotiators are advising practices to keep a record of when they cannot use Choose and Book in case they
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Electronic staff record now biggest NHS payroll provider

The NHS Electronic Staff Record is now installed in over 150 sites across England after being implemented of the largest
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London supplier switch looks closer

A number of well-placed sources told E-Health Insider this week that GE Healthcare had entered into a 90-day consultation with
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Web-based pharmacy first at Tameside

Tameside General Hospital in Lancashire has become the first to implement a new web-based pharmacy solution from Ascribe. The new
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QicSCRIPT gets drug barcode scanning

System Solutions have announced that they have released a new version of their QicSCRIPT patient medication record software that allows
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Patient Opinion wins new media award

An online service that allows patients to report their experiences of NHS services has been “highly commended” in the New
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McKesson wins extension to NWCS contract

Connecting for Health has awarded a nine-month extension to the contract of healthcare IT supplier, McKesson, to provide its NHS-wide
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