
Ascribe acquires HEIS in £6.5m deal

Healthcare solutions group, Ascribe, has acquired clinical and management information system supplier, HE Information Systems, in a £6.492m deal designed
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Ethitec extends community EPR for Leicester PCTs

Six primary care trusts in Leicestershire have begun work on implementing a community electronic patient record system for children’s systems
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iSoft claim Australian successes

iSoft have announced the initial rollout of its iPM PAS system at Orange Base Hospital, in Orange, near Sydney, Australia.
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Ardentia sponsored feature

Articles looking at how organisations can better manage their data warehouses; how they can handle migration of legacy data; and
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EHR opt-out debate “doesn’t matter to patients”

The question of whether patients opt into having their electronic records shared or have to specifically request to opt out
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Lack of NPfIT involvement concerns nurses

Two leading nurses have expressed deep concern at the lack of involvement of the nursing community in the design of
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QoF scores rise in Scottish practices

GP practices in Scotland have increased their performance under the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QoF) this year, earning 1026 points
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Freeview plans for NHS Direct

NHS Direct is planning to make its interactive digital TV service available via Freeview. The health information service, which recorded
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Tablet tests

How did three E-Health Insider readers get on with new tablet PCs in their work? A GP, a dermatologist and
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MP quizzes Blair on national programme money

An opposition MP has asked for Prime Minister Tony Blair’s personal assurance that public money has not been given to
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