
Potential purchase of iSoft said to be nearing end-game

Newspaper reports today say that troubled software supplier iSoft is in talks with three final-stage bidders, naming US healthcare firms Cerner
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Don’t pay for additional N3 bandwidth, PCTs told

Primary care trusts (PCTs) have been told that current N3 broadband links provide enough bandwidth to run all Connecting for
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GP Systems of Choice procurement on track but late

The GP Systems of Choice (GPSoC) scheme looks likely to go ahead – although procurement will not be complete by 1
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Liquidlogic deploys children’s system at Cumbria

Health and social care software specialists Liquidlogic have announced that their ‘Protocol’ integrated children’s system has been successfully deployed by
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SNOMED negotiations miss deadline – but continue

Talks to negotiate a new International Standards Development Organisation (SDO) for the clinical terminology, SNOMED CT, missed their first deadline
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