
ntl: Telewest Sponsored Feature

Ensuring that health service workers can communicate with each other effectively and the general public can reach those in the
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NHS Choices criticised over duff information

The Department of Health’s new flagship website NHS Choices contains GP practice information which in some cases is at much as
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Strong growth predicted in European EMR market

The market in electronic medical record systems across Europe may be set to treble over the next six years because
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MPs call for pharmacists to have access to CRS

Pharmacists in primary and secondary care must be given read-write access to the NHS Care Records Service (NCRS), according to
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Millennium problems at Taunton condemned by consultant

Taunton and Somerset NHS Trust have delayed deploying Cerner Millennium software due to ‘severe security problems’, the BMA’s Annual Representative
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Map of Medicine partners with NHS Choices

Map of Medicine, an NHS-funded knowledge management tool, is partnering with the new NHS Choices website to provide patients with
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