
Olympus sponsored feature

Clinicians have long been enthusiastic users of dictation machines for recording large volumes of notes and correspondence, so digital dictation
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EHI’s industry news roundup 16.11.07

E-Health Insider’s industry news round up for the week ending 15 November, featuring supplier news, events, product launches, appointments and
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Health secretary’s website wins access award

Health secretary Alan Johnson’s website won the top prize for accessibility in the British Computer Society (BCS) MP Website Awards. Johnson, who
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SpeechMagic to integrate with RadConsult

Philips’ speech recognition platform, SpeechMagic, is to be integrated with Elsevier’s new RadConsult radiology diagnostic reference system, Royal Philips Electronics
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Health secretary’s website wins access award

Health secretary Alan Johnson’s website won the top prize for accessibility in the British Computer Society (BCS) MP Website Awards.
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