
PDA software lets nursing assistants review drugs

Providing mobile drug management tools and web-based training on drugs management to nursing assistants can help cut prescribing problems among
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HealthVault for Europe? Not just yet

One of Microsoft’s senior managers for healthcare has told E-Health Europe that the company would like to bring a version
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Clinical process improvement drives EMR use

The need to improve clinical processes and workflow efficiency in healthcare is driving more healthcare organisations to look positively at
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Summary Care Record launched in Bolton

The first 48,500 summaries of patient records have been uploaded to the NHS Spine and out-of-hours staff in the Bolton
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Microsoft to launch EMEA Health User Group

Microsoft is to partner with the US Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) to launch an interactive Health User
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Healthcare booths go on trial in Scotland

Patients in Scotland will be able to get treatments in specialised health booths, as part of a new collaboration between
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Scottish pharmacies want emergency records access

Community Pharmacy Scotland, representing the owners of Scotland’s 1200 chemists, has made appropriate access to the Scottish Emergency Care Summary
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Chairman reveals his iSoft low point

iSoft chairman, John Weston, has revealed he reached the lowest point in his tenure at the healthcare software company when
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Warning on health systems’ vulnerabilities

Commercial electronic health record systems are vulnerable to exploitation given existing industry development and disclosure practices, according to a study
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Bulgaria launches eCard prescriptions project

Bulgaria has begun an online electronic prescriptions project using a citizen-held e-health card. The first online transaction, carried out earlier this
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