
George Eliot go live with iPM

The George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust has gone live with iSoft’s iPM patient administration system from local service provider Computer
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Online access to patient information in Wales

Gateway technology is to be evaluated over the coming months to see if it can be used by NHS Wales
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Mid Cheshire switch to Ascribe e-prescribing

Pharmacists at the Mid Cheshire NHS Hospitals Trust have started using a web-based e-pharmacy system from Ascribe to fully automate
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Data Management

Anyone who has ever moved house will have had that awful moment of trying to figure out how on earth
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NHS budget to reach £110 billion by 2011

The NHS is to receive an increased budget from £90 billion this year to £110 billion by 2010-11, an increase
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Belgian hospital extends PACS to satellite locations

The Saint Luc Bouge Hospital in Belgium is extending its Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) and computed radiography (CR)
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PCT commissioning data and IT suppliers named

Suppliers offering expertise in data analysis and IT solutions to support commissioning are included in the 14 organisations chosen by
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Patient pressure to drive Choose and Book

Choose and Book boss Dr Stephen Miller explains why he believes it will be patients that force the adoption of
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Microsoft launches HealthVault

Microsoft has launched a major personal health record initiative based on a secure website that allows users to store and
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MTAS ‘rushed and poorly communicated’

The Department of Health has officially dropped the use of a national IT system in favour of locally-led recruitment for
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