
Framework sets out plan for joined up IT

The government has set out a radical plan for joining up health and social care IT systems and sharing information
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NPfIT ‘needs re-evaluating to be a success’

Connecting for Health must look at three key things – scalability, complexity and availability if the National Programme for Information
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Blair says information vital for ‘personalised’ services

While suppliers and health IT professionals gathered in Harrogate this week in London Prime Minister Tony Blair set out the
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RFID and care records could be linked

A future in which data from hospital systems, including the Care Records Service (CRS), can be integrated with radio frequency
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IT delays contribute to NHS trust deficits

Delays in implementing the National Programme for IT are listed by the influential Commons public accounts committee today as a factor leading
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E-referral system aims to cut discharge delays

An electronic e-referral system that helps cut discharge delays has been extended to cover patients moving from the Countess of
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First GP2GP records transferred between different systems

The first GP2GP record transfers between different GP computer systems has taken place, health minister Lord Hunt has announced. The
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Hunt spells out local ownership moves

 Health minister, Lord Hunt, who was responsible for setting up the National Programme for IT, has defended its strongly centralised
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GPs vote against C+B boycott

GP representatives have voted against a boycott of Choose and Book and left it up to individual practices to decide
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Cameron says NHS heart replaced by “computer”

David Cameron,  leader of the Conservative Party, has accused the Labour government of ripping out the heart of the NHS
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