
Calderdale and Huddersfield extends home grown PAS

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust has extended its existing home grown patient administration system (PAS) from one site to
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Patient choice moves onto buses

With the government’s target for 90% of GP patient referrals to be done using the electronic Choose and Book system
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NHS 24 faces legal action over patient deaths

NHS 24, the Scottish health helpline service, is being sued for £750,000 damages by the partner of a man who
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GP2GP reaches 500th mark ahead of time

Connecting for Health has implemented GP2GP at 500 practices, almost a month before the planned deadline of 31 March 2007.
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Maternity delivery delays

Maternity systems form a core part of Local Service Providers' contracts under the NHS IT programme, but delivery has been
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Trusts set to benefit from integrated cable network

NHS trusts and ambulances are set to benefit from faster and better communications following the merger of the ntl and
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OOH performance measurement poor, says report

Many primary care trusts are unable to measure their performance on out-of-hours care, partly because providers do not have the
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Starting gun fired for Summary Care Record roll-out

The government’s ambitious plan for a national system of electronic summary care patient records (SCR) will begin trials tomorrow at
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DH to lift hospital mobile phone ban

The Department of Health has announced that a ban on patients and doctors using mobile phones in hospitals in England
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Sunderland uses e-SAP to unite health and social care data

Sunderland Teaching Primary Care Trust has rolled out a new electronic Single Assessment Process system from Liquidlogic in an effort
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