
Trafford enables GPs and hospitals to share EPR

Trafford Healthcare NHS Trust has developed a new electronic patient record system with assistance from software developers, Graphnet Health, and
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Bradford to be first ex-Accenture acute trust to go live

The first acute trust in the two NHS clusters that Computer Sciences Corporation officially took over from Accenture in January
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500th practice goes live with SystmOne GP system

  StowHealth Centre has become the 500th practice to go live with the SystmOne integrated GP record system provided by
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Sherwood Forest roll-out wireless voice badges

Staff at the Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are set to benefit from new wireless voice badges, allowing them
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Internet doctor suspended for nine months

Dr Julian Eden, a GP who ran online service e-med has been suspended from practising for nine months by the
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Nuffield Hospitals sign for Initiate EMPI

Initiate Systems has been awarded a contract to build an Enterprise Master Patient Index which will enable staff at Nuffield Hospitals around
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Patients key to NPfIT fate

In the first of a two-part interview, BMA chairman, James Johnson, tells Joe Fernandez why patients will decide ultimately the
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Medical Tablet PC launched by Intel

Intel, Motion Computing and NHS Connecting for Health have announced the launch of a new mobile computing device, designed from
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GPC says patients should call C+B when no slots available

GP representatives are recommending that practices tell patients to ring the Choose and Book appointments line if they are no
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New post-Shipman information guidelines issued

The government has released new guidelines on the use of information to ensure NHS organisations have systems and processes in
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