
Using IT to deliver on free choice

Free choice at referral takes effect this month. Fiona Barr looks at how IT will be used to deliver this
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Choose and Book breaks 25K a day

Choose and Book has been used for more than 25,000 bookings in a single day for the first time. The
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Study praises Norwegian EPRs

A study by researchers at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has found that GP electronic patient records
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Bradshaw promises Lorenzo and Millennium by summer

Health minister Ben Bradshaw has said despite ongoing delays new Lorenzo and Millennium software will be delivered to NHS sites
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GPs not getting promised ÂŁ80m IT funds

GP representatives claim that PCTs are failing to fund IT upgrades for GP practices despite receiving £80m of GP Systems
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Peterborough choose McKesson for HR and Payroll

Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has selected McKesson Shared Services to support its HR and Payroll functions. Using
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