
Six thousand practices switch to Systems of Choice

A total of 94% of eligible practices had switched to a GP Systems of Choice (GPSoC) contract by the deadline
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Does Lorenzo mean the end of GP electronic patient records?

GP Mary Hawking asks whether the introduction of shared electronic records marks the end of GP electronic records as they
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Free Choice Choose and Book update delayed

The latest update to the national Choose and Book system, containing the new tools required to support patient ‘Free Choice’
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NHS Choices partners with UK online centres

NHS Choices, the health information website, has partnered with UK online centres to help people without IT access or web
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Markische Kliniken hospitals implement Orbis

The Märkische Kliniken hospital group, based in southern Germany, says it has integrated medical, nursing and administrative IT processes following
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Most GP systems will require security upgrades

The majority of GP clinical IT systems will not meet the Department of Health’s new data security requirements for transfer
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Scotland and NI tender for patient management system

Scotland and Northern Ireland have issued a joint tender to purchase a patient management system, with rich clinical functionality, worth
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