
Royal United Hospital Bath shelves Millennium go-live

Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust has shelved its planned 12 July implementation of a new Cerner Millennium patient record
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Your Champion – Dr Mike Bainbridge

Healthcare ICT Champion of the Year 2007, Dr Mike Bainbridge, clinical architect at Connecting for Health.
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GS1 and CfH sign 110 hospitals to ‘scan and save’

Barcode standards specialist GS1 UK says that 110 NHS hospitals across England have now signed up to 'scan and save'.
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Benenden to deploy Oasis EPR

Private healthcare group, the Benenden Hospital Trust has signed a five year contract with Oasis Medical Solutions, to implement the
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Nordrhein-Westfalen first to use e-health cards

The German government has announced the Nordrhein-Westfalen state will be the first to be given new electronic health cards, once
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QRisk2 helps to predict risk of heart attacks

Researchers have used anonymised GP records to develop a new method for assessing whether people are at risk from cardiovascular
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