
Open eHealth Foundation sets out priorities

The Open eHealth Foundation (OeHF), an open source initiative for improving the exchange of medical information using existing standards, has
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RCGP says good GPs have great websites

The ‘exemplary GP’ has a clear and accurate practice website and seeks patient’s consent before giving sensitive information to other
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NHS Direct says it has no 0845 plans

NHS Direct has said it has no plans to switch its premium rate 0845 telephone number to a standard rate
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QoF to be ‘crucial’ in obesity plans

The government has said the Quality and Outcomes Framework will play a “crucial” part in its plans to tackle obesity
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InterSystems and Hayes partner on integration

Healthcare database and integration specialist InterSystems, has signed a partnership agreement with Hayes Management Consulting, to find new ways of
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Scotland superbug alert system delayed

The Electronic Communication of Surveillance in Scotland system, which will be used to alert doctors to superbug outbreaks, will not
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Milton Keynes’ CRS caused ‘near melt down’

The deployment of a national programme care records system at Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust “developed into an untenable
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