
How CfH could make my day

In his latest column grassroots GP Dr Neil Paul offers suggestions to Connecting for Health on making GPs’ lives easier.
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Slight increase in satisfaction with PBC data quality

GPs have become marginally more satisfied with the quality of the data they receive for practice-based commissioning over the past
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CRS problems cost Barts and the London £3m

Barts and the London NHS Trust projects a £3m shortfall in income this year due to serious data, reporting and
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Individual Health Record extended to acute care

Informing Healthcare has announced that the Individual Health Record has been used for the first time in acute care. Staff
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One in ten hospital episodes miscoded

Almost one in ten hospital episodes is incorrectly coded, according to an analysis carried out by the Audit Commission. The
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GE’s Centricity cardiology system wins award

GE Healthcare’s Centricity cardiovascular information system has won Frost & Sullivan’s 2008 ‘product line leadership’ award. The GE CIS system
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