
Security 2008

The Mytob worm attack on the IT network used by three London hospital trusts knocked stories about NHS data breaches
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Its name is RiO

The latest column from NHS Connecting for Health outlines the benefits of the RiO electronic care records system to London.
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IT underpins NHS reform in Queen’s speech

The government is planning to introduce a health bill to Parliament that will require further investment in IT and new
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EU internet access reaches 60 per cent

60% of households across the EU had internet access in 2008, according to a survey. Across the 27 countries within
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Choice figures stick again

The percentage of people who recall being offered a choice of hospital remains at just one under in two patients,
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Wikipedia can omit key drug information

New research warns that consumers who relay on the online encyclopedia Wikipedia for drug information may be putting themselves at
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Digital dictation becomes software as a service

Digital dictation specialist WinScribe has launched software as a service option – with the first UK NHS installation now up
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Better search: a cure for cyberchondria?

Search engines may need to be redesigned to stop people turning into “cyberchondriacs”, a study by Microsoft Research has suggested.
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