
Emergency and continuity planning strengthened

BT has won a contract from the Cabinet Office Civil Contingencies Secretariat and the Communities and Local Government department to
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Commission sets out steps on patient safety

The European Commission has published proposals designed to improve patient safety and reduce the number of patients who suffer harm
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ntl:Telewest Business

The communications landscape in healthcare is changing. Traditional, copper-based and circuit-switched architectures are struggling to keep up with the demands
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Why can’t my computer be cleverer?

In his latest column grassroots GP Dr Neil Paul seeks a computer that can do more.
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Alarm raised over Integrated Children’s System

The government’s IT solution for children’s services could put at risk the children it is designed to help, according to
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PBC satisfaction improves

GP practices are becoming slightly more satisfied with the quality of information they receive for practice-based commissioning – although more
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Philips scores top in patient monitoring

Royal Philips Electronics says its customers have rated Philips Healthcare in first place in overall service performance for Patient Monitoring
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SCR integrated into Adastra

Out-of-hours provider Adastra has delivered an integrated solution for the Summary Care Record that will make access to the SCR
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