
Direction promised on NHS information strategy

New clear direction on NHS IT and information strategy has been promised ‘within weeks’ by one of the leaders of the Department
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Private GP service provider pilots telehealth

A private company that runs almost 40 NHS general practices is piloting a telehealth solution in one of its surgeries.
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Private GP providers’ technology

The private providers winning contracts to run general practices have information technology close to the top of their agendas, Fiona
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McKesson says ESR job done

As the NHS Electronic Staff Record nears completion, E-Health Insider’s Jon Hoeksma speaks to Charmaine McDonald, MD of McKesson UK,
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Phase two EPS accreditation due within months

The first pharmacy and GP system suppliers expect to receive technical accreditation for release two of the Electronic Prescription Service
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Cerner Ireland opens in Dublin

Cerner has opened a new office in Dublin as it prepares to implement RIS/PACS and Order Communications across parts of
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PCTs to sign-up practices by default to GPSoC

Connecting for Health has told PCTs to sign up GP practices for GP Systems of Choice without getting explicit consent
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Bedford Hospital uses PDAs to track repair jobs

Facilities and Estates maintenance staff at Bedford Hospital NHS Trust are using PDAs to receive and clear job dockets for
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Six firms shortlisted for £80m NHS Choices contract

Six companies have reportedly been shortlisted to run the Department of Health’s NHS Choices website, following an OJEU tender process,
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Former IC chief loses tribunal claim

The former head of the NHS Information Centre, who claimed she was made a ‘scapegoat’ for a heavily criticised joint
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