Med-e-Tel conference programme published

  • 4 March 2009

Med-e-Tel 2009 has published its conference programme, offering a range of speakers and presentations on global telemedicine and e-health.

The annual three-day Med-e-Tel conference will be held 1-3 April 2009, Luxembourg.

The conference will feature presentations of successful business cases, research activities, pilot projects, practical experiences from health and social care providers. The event will also include panel discussions, offering local and international perspectives on telemedicine and e-health opportunities and experiences.

The opening sessions of Med-e-Tel 2009 will includes welcome addresses and keynote presentations by:

  • Mars Di Bartolomeo, Minister of Health and Social Security, Luxembourg
  • Gérard Comyn, acting director, ICT for Health, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission
  • Marco Obiso, advisor, ICT Applications and Cybersecurity Division, International Telecommunication Union
  • Michael Nerlich, president, International Society for Telemedicine & e-health
  • Claudia Bartz, coordinator, International Classification for Nursing Practice, International Council of Nurses
  • Martin Denz, president, European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL)
  • Yunkap Kwankam, executive director, International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (presenting on behalf of the Rockefeller Foundation)
  • Valery Stolyar, secretary, Russian Telemedicine Association
  • Rudy Vansnick, president, Internet Society Belgium, Vice-chair, ISOC European Chapters Coordinating Council

Topics for thematic sessions include a workshop on ‘deploying eEHIC services for borderless care in Europe’, organized by the NETC@RDS project. The workshop will address policy and legal aspects, potential market dimension and commercial features of the services, and effectiveness of the proposed ICT solution in view of the interoperability of the electronic European Health Insurance Card (eEHIC).

Another workshop topic will be Ten4Health, ‘citizens’ services for borderless healthcare in the European Union: practical solutions’. TEN4Health focuses on access of citizens to healthcare in participating Member States’ hospitals, based on a secure web service and its integration into developing European e-health infrastructure networks.

EHTEL will present ‘tele-enabled healthcare – the voice from the field’ in co-operation with the European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL) Task Force on Sustainable Telemedicine & Chronic Disease Management.

An overview of ‘international telemedicine & e-health Initiatives and developments’ will be presented by members of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH), focusing on the current state of telemedicine and e-health use and deployment in countries such as Austria, Bulgaria, France, Georgia, Italy, Russia, South Africa, UK, Ukraine.

A session on ‘telenursing’, will focus on the possibilities available to reduce the use of expensive healthcare services, to reduce hospital admissions or length of stay, to perform regular check-ups on patients with chronic conditions, to spread limited resources over a large population, and to increase access to nurse education.

A special training session on ‘how to implement e-health solutions?’ presented by the expert group on Question 14 ‘telecommunications for e-health’ within the International Telecommunication Union. The training will look at strategic planning issues for the development and implementation of e-health services.

Sessions will also focus on chronic disease management, home care solutions, telecardiology, e-health informatics, e-learning, mobile health, ethical issues, e-health in support of mental health, and image transfer.

A regional (BeLux) hospital administrator seminar organized in cooperation with the Luxembourg CRP-Santé (Public Research Centre for Health) about "Priorities, benefits and budgets for health IT in the 21st century".

Several sessions will focus on ‘Extreme Environmental Conditions and eHealth’, presented in cooperation with the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy. The sessions focus on monitoring interactions between humans and the environment.


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