E-Health Insider’s industry round up 24.04.09

  • 24 April 2009

This month’s E-Health Insider industry round-up covers new products, system deployments and other developments at leading healthcare IT suppliers.

Directorate receives ISO accreditation

The directorate at Walsall Manor Hospitals NHS Trust that manages estates, telecommunications and medical equipment has achieved the ISO 9001 quality management system standard – the first time a whole hospital directorate has received such an accreditation. The Estates and Redevelopment Directorate was assessed by Moody’s International. Deputy director of estates, Lincoln Dawkin, said: “We started working towards this accreditation around six months ago and so much effort has gone into achieving it.”

Grundig Business Systems launches DigtaSoft One

Grundig Business Systems is launching a new dictation software line, DigtaSoft One, at the end of March. Managing director Roland Hollstein said the functions of the new system had been "honed down to the essentials" so it was easier to install. The new line is still compatible with the speech recognition systems Dragon NaturallySpeaking and SpeaKING by MediaInterface. Customers will be able to upgrade from DigtaSoft One to DigtaSoft and DigtaSoft Pro, which offer workflow management functions.

HPV web service wins Guardian award

A HPV virtual surgery and web-chat service on the social networking site Habbo Hotel has won a 2009 Media Guardian Innovation Award. The service, commissioned by the Department of Health and run by NHS Direct, helped young girls to prepare for the new cervical cancer vaccine throughout September and October 2008.NHS Direct also provided a dedicated helpline, with advisors taking 4,089 calls.

Imprivata OneSign claims 20% of the market

Imprivata has announced that around 20% of acute and primary care trusts are now using its OneSign appliance, which improves the speed and efficiency with which staff can access critical patient information, using a single set of log-on credentials. Customers now include Oxford Radcliffe NHS Trust, Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust.

iSoft achieves ISO 2000 certification

iSoft has been granted ISO 20000 certification for IT service management. It achieved certification in ten months compared with the expected 18 months. The international standard ISO 20000 applies to the firm’s ability to deliver world-class IT managed services, including data centre management, services and technical support services. The certification initially covers primary care in the UK. The company says it plans to extend certification to other areas of iSoft’s UK and Ireland units.

JAOtech trolley for hygienic environments

JAOtech has introduced a self powered trolley cart for its computer terminals that has been designed for use in areas where infection control is a priority. The Movi trolley allows JAOtech terminals to be moved to where they are needed, and can also be used by patients as a portable communications and entertainment system. It will run for 12 hours and can be cleaned with hospital sterilisation fluids.

NHS Cat gets makeover

NHS Supply Chain has given its online catalogue a makeover to reduce the time trusts spend ordering supplies. The catalogue,NHS Cat, links customers with more than 610,000 healthcare products and has been updated following feedback from NHS trusts. Paul White, IT director at NHS Supply Chain said: "The way the catalogue works has been totally redesigned making it easier for customers to navigate around and quicker for them to order from. The money and time saved by NHS trusts using NHS Cat can be redirected back to patient care." The website now offers additional information such as product images, extended descriptions, alternative products and manuals.

NHS Scotland contracts CIS Oncology

NHS National Services Scotland has awarded the contract for a national chemotherapy e-prescribing and administration system to ChemoCare from CIS Oncology. The contract puts in place a national framework from which each of Scotland’s regional cancer networks can enter into individual call-off contracts for software and services. The call-off contract for West of Scotland Cancer Network has already been agreed and implementation is underway. Tony Pegg, chief executive of CIS Oncology, said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with NHS Scotland to deliver ChemoCare on this national project.”

NHS North East Essex launches new website and blog

NHS North East Essex has re-launched a new website that includes a blog from the chief executive. Dr Paul Zollinger-Read will blog about the local health scene, and invite people to post comments. The website has been redesigned so it is easier to navigate. It also includes a new area for young people, put together after consultation with the target age group.

Information Builders announces health intelligence platform

Information Builders has announced that the first module of its integrated health intelligence platform is available. The new clinical management reporting and analytics module provides a platform for delivering clinical information across departments, service lines, episodes and patients to improve patient care and operational efficiency.


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