
Private medical records offered for sale

Medical records of patients treated at a private British hospital, The London Clinic, have been illegally sold to undercover investigators.
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GP ratings site criticised by rival

The GP practice rating service launched by NHS Choices received 1,600 comments in its first 24 hours of operation, according
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Lorenzo R1.9 to debut at EHI event

ISoft will be publicly showcasing the latest version of Lorenzo at E-Health Insider Live '09, alongside its Viaduct integration engine
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PDS access requires ‘business reason’

Staff accessing the Personal Demographics Service must have an appropriate ‘business reason’ for doing so, but need not have a
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Dorset invests in Carestream PACS

Carestream Health has been awarded a contract to supply a Carestream PACS, high resolution diagnostic mammography workstations and integrated radiology information
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€22.5m for Dutch biobank network

The Dutch government has awarded a consortium of health research groups €22.5m to establish a national biobanking infrastructure. The project,
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