
And statistics

Dr Foster and the CQC have both come under fire for how they rate hospitals. Daloni Carlisle reports.
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EHRs deliver soft benefits for hard cash

Electronic health record and e-prescribing systems deliver benefits such as safer and more convenient services, but only over long periods
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Cloud in the Windy City

Neil Versel joins 60,000 others at the RSNA conference in Chicago.
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NHS needs better trained prescribers

Doctors are to be formally tested on their knowledge of medicines before they graduate, it has been announced. The British
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Orion begins Northern Ireland ECR pilot

Orion Health has begun a one year pilot of a new proof of concept Electronic Care Record (ECR) in Northern
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Microtest supports swine flu vaccination

GP system supplier Microtest has launched a swine flu reporting service to help GP practices deliver the swine flu vaccination
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