
Worthing decides to switch off Cerner

Worthing and Southlands Hospitals NHS Trust has agreed plans to switch off its Cener Millennium electronic records software and move
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Heart of England connects with Quicksilva

Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust has signed a deal with Quicksilva to enable it to get direct access to
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HL7 UK on the road

HL7 UK is to hold a series of one day roadshows, featuring interoperability case studies and tutorials. The Case Studies
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Royal Free boss says CRS problems cost £10m

The boss of the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust has blamed the new NHS electronic medical records system – the
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Child health strategy to share information

The government plans to promote information sharing across settings to deliver improvements in the health of children and young people,
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Wiltshire Health signs deal with System C

System C has signed a five-year contract with a consortium of GPs in Wiltshire providing services in the community that were
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Hospital uses Twitter for live surgery updates

Micro-blogging service Twitter has been used by US surgeons to provide real-time updates on a live robot-assisted surgical procedure.
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Choose and Book contract extended

The Department of Health has signed a two year extension with Atos Healthcare for the national Choose and Book contract.
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Follow my leader

In the latest feature from NHS Connecting for Health, Dr Raj Kumar and Dr Andrew Coley discuss the NHS Clinical
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Kent GP-led centres pick Adastra

Two GP-led health centres in Kent have chosen software from out-of-hours provider Adastra as their patient management system. The centres
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