
First day of the PROMs

The Department of Health has issued instructions to the NHS on the action that needs to be taken to deliver
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DH and London move on shared services

NHS chief executive David Nicholson is encouraging the health service to make greater use of shared services as London’s primary
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New QRISK2 for heart disease launched

A new version of the QRISK software which identifies patients most at risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been
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IBM teams with Google to mobilise patient data

New software to enable data to be easily moved from remote personal monitoring devices into Google Health personal health records
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Brent PCT rapped over data loss

A third English NHS Trust in the space of a month has been required to take enforcement action by the
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Little local difficulties with C+B

Health minister Ben Bradshaw has told MPs that local implementation issues are at the root of most complaints about Choose
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NHS Manchester buys BI from Ardentia

NHS Manchester has deployed Ardentia’s data warehouse and patient level costing modules to replace in house legacy systems and support
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Germany invests €125m in ambient care

The German national ministry of research has announced a major funding program for ambient assisted living.
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Waiting not an option

The chief executive of The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust tells Jon Hoeksma why it can’t wait for NPfIT to deliver.
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Rotherham set to announce EPR contract

The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust is set to announce the award of a contract for a new electronic patient record
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