
Commission invests €1bn in high-speed broadband

The European Commission has proposed a new €5 billion investment in energy and internet broadband infrastructure in 2009-2010.
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Insider view: Jon Hoeksma

E-Health Insider’s editor says the Public Accounts Committee’s latest report shows its time to take some tough decisions about NPfIT.
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Isoft names German Lorenzo reference site

Health software firm IBA Health Group has announced that German hospital group, Krankenhaus Buchholz and Winsen, is to implement its
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NHS Alliance promotes patient records

The NHS Alliance is promoting real-time access to medical records, claiming this will help meet the drive towards patient self-management
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SCR patient consultation could be cut

The length of the patient information programme run before Summary Care Records are uploaded to the Spine could be cut
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Barts virus attack ‘avoidable’

The Mytob worm attack on the Barts and the London NHS Trust network was “entirely avoidable”, an independent review has
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Philips cuts 6,000 jobs

Dutch consumer electronic and health technology giant Royal Dutch Philips has reported a fourth quarter loss of €1.47bn (£1.4bn) and
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Call to re-tender for Fujitsu replacement

Conservative health minister Stephen O'Brien has called for a “proper” tendering process to replace Fujitsu as local service provider in
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Royal Free evaluates Cerner fixes

The Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust is evaluating the results of the three month rescue programme to fix known problems
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GP2GP milestone reached

More than 5,000 GP practices are now using GP2GP software to transfer electronic records, NHS Connecting for Health has announced.
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