
Nortel files for bankruptcy protection

Nortel Networks, the Canadian telecoms equipment and networks specialist, has filed for bankruptcy protection in the US to enable it
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SNOMED made free to low income countries

Free licenses for the use of SNOMED CT are to be made available to users in 47 low income countries,
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EMIS offers online consultation service

GP system supplier EMIS is to begin the roll-out of an online consultation service it has developed with a GP
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Barts virus caused ‘major internal incident’

Last November’s Mytob worm attack on the network of Barts and the London NHS Trust led to its ‘major internal incident’
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On the right pathway

The latest column from NHS Connecting for Health looks at the work of the award winning NHS Pathways team.
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Health security defeats RAF testers

A team of RAF security experts recently spent three days attempting to penetrate the wireless networking component of a managed
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Global IT spend to fall in 2009

Weakening economies is set to push spending on information technology products and services down 3% after seven years of continuous
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MPs cast doubt on Darzi reforms

The future pay of NHS managers should be linked to their data-analysis abilities, according to MPs concerned about the health
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Electronic records before man on Mars

Electronic records before man on Mars Ilias Iakovodis, the deputy head of European Commission’s e-health unit, says that a long-term
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EU sets e-health map for 2009

Ilias Iakovidis and Michael Palmer tell E-Health Europe’s Outi Alapekkala how e-health will develop in 2009 and far beyond.
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