
Information prescriptions expanded

The Department of Health is publicising information prescriptions and has said that an information accreditation scheme should be launched later
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Digital Dictation 2009

The cassette is becoming a thing of the past as hospitals and primary care organisations install digital dictation systems. Daloni
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Hospitals failing to pass on crime data

Almost four out of five NHS hospitals are failing to collect and share data with police and local authorities that
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GE and Intel commit €184m to telecare research

General Electric and Intel have joined forces to develop hi-tech health care products that will allow patients to be treated
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NHS Training for Innovation launched

The NHS technology training hub, THOTH, has been re-launched as NHS Training for Innovation and announced it is working on
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Doctors call for Google to change ad policies

Doctors are calling on internet search engine Google to change its advertising policies to prevent links to unproven remedies appearing
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Team spirit

At last year’s BT e-Health Insider Awards, a virtual team won team of the year, sponsored by NHS Connecting for
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Team of the Year

Team of the year at last year’s BT e-Health Insider awards was won by NHS Pathways. The runners up in
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New partnership to boost e-health

The European Health Telematics Association has announced that it has signed an agreement with the International Society of Telemedicine and
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GP2GP hits half a million transfers

More than 500,000 electronic patient records have now been transferred between GP practices using GP2GP software, NHS Connecting for Health
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