
Laming – review IT for children’s services

The government must look at rolling out a single national IT system for children’s services because local IT systems are
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MPs demand action on health inequalities

Better data to inform resource allocation and more evaluation of government policies are needed to tackle the widening gap in
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QoF should tackle health inequalities – MPs

The Quality and Outcomes Framework needs radical revision to fully take account of health inequalities, according to MPs. A report
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Scottish LMCs demand action on IT choice

Scottish GPs have strongly criticised the delay in procuring a choice of GP IT systems and called for funding for
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Hi-tech features in 150th CMO report

The chief medical officer’s annual report has highlighted the need for surgeons to be trained using simulation techniques. The report,
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Siemens buys from T-Systems Austria

Siemens, SAP, and T-Systems Austria, have completed a deal that will see Siemens take over software that it had
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Report shows flaws in safety reporting

Trusts are failing to report patient safety incidents and to review their policies in response to known problems, a report
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Helix Health links up with Quicksilva

Irish health IT system supplier Helix Health has announced that it has linked up with Quicksilva to achieve compliance with
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Health coaches get access to patient records

A primary care trust is planning to set up a health coaching service giving Bupa health coaches access to patient
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ntl:Telewest Business 2009

The launch of NHS Direct in 1997 marked the start of a revolution in the way that the NHS communicates
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