Ipswich develops stroke data portal

  • 18 June 2010

The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust has developed its own software to enable staff to record patient data for stroke patients from multiple disciplines.

The software, which was developed in conjunction with Health Enterprise East – the NHS Innovation Hub for the East of England – allows staff to record patient data via a single user interface and then quickly generate electronic discharge summaries.

The software has replaced the paper previously used to record information and to communicate with GPs. It is also providing reporting information that is required by regional stroke networks.

Stroke consultant, Dr Sivakumar, who helped to develop the software said: “A clear legible multidisciplinary record is vital when a patient is seen by more than one specialty during their stay in the hospital.

"The discharge report generated by this system will streamline care for the patients after discharge."

The software is now being marketed to other hospitals following licencing by software provider, Trisoft, which has re-engineered the software to make it easy to access from any computer in the hospital and to make it ommercially viable.

Philip Moakes, managing director of Trisoft limited, said: “We are privileged to be working closely with HEE on this system to provide expertise in software design, development and implementation.”

Chandu Patil, HEE senior e-health consultant added: “The stroke system is a perfect example of appropriate technology development by stakeholders to address the problem of multidisciplinary medical records.”

Link: Trisoft

Health Enterprise East

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