Tieto develops hospital reporting tool

  • 8 June 2010

The Central Hospital of Ostrobothnia in Finland and IT firm, Tieto, have developed a new reporting tool designed to produce versatile data from patient information systems to help resource allocation.

The tool, which is built into Tieto’s Effica patient information system at the hospital, allows statistics to be sent regularly and automatically via email. Data is produced for each clinician about the volumes of resources and patients in their specific area.

Minna Mörtenhumer, chief physician in the Hospital District of Central Ostrobothnia, said: "By virtue of the versatile reporting data we can arrange treatments and services better than before using the same resources. In the future, eliminating unnecessary visits and staging treatments will be based on real data, not just gut feeling.”

The software provides cross reporting of contacts, referrals, diagnosis, interventions and billings. It also allows issues and processes to be reviewed in relation to each other.

Hannu Pikkarainen, hospital district planning manager, added: “For example, reliable referral information reflects the work in the organisation: people commissioning work, the type of work and the urgency of requests. The analysis of referrals is a key factor influencing the development of operations resource allocation.”

The hospital believes that utilising the recorded patient information to plan treatments and resources will encourage staff to record data accurately.

“Everybody involved in the treatment process of a patient must know how and where data should be recorded. Standardizing the concepts throughout the organization is an essential part of the development of reliable reporting. The actual nursing and development of functions is close teamwork,”said Mörtenhumer.



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