Wales confirms InterSystems labs deal

  • 15 July 2010

NHS Wales Informatics Service has confirmed that it has selected InterSystems to provide its National Laboratory Information Management System.

As first reported by E-Health Insider last month, the £12.1m deal will provide a regional deployment of InterSystems TrakCare Lab to support 18 laboratories within seven regional health boards.

The deal will see 13 computer systems replaced with one integrated system that will enable a single pathology record for each patient and support new ways of working.

Bob Hudson, chief executive of Public Health Wales said: “Pathology services are essential to the provision of high quality patient care and are fundamental to the delivery of better health services in Wales.

“The provision of information and advice is essential to support patient care with around 80% of diagnoses supported by pathology test results in both hospitals and general practice.”

According to InterSystems, Wales will have a fully supported networked LIMS available for implementation by January 2011.

Laboratory data will be stored in InterSystems Cache database, which will enable users to have a complete view of a patient’s diagnostic record as well as contributing to the patient’s individual care record.

Having a centrally managed system will reduce costs for support and management, including a 50% reduction in data maintenance and extraction costs and a 30% reduction in analyser interface costs.

Kerry Stratton, managing director of healthcare for InterSystems. “We are delighted to be part of this innovative programme, using TrakCare Lab to deliver breakthroughs in patient outcomes, laboratory performance and clinician communications.”

Link: InterSystems

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