
Unison closer to review of white paper

Unison has won the right to take legal action against health secretary Andrew Lansley for what it alleges is a
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NME trusts look to portals

The effective end of the National Programme for IT in the NHS at a time of economic constraint is likely
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Stick with the programme?

Sarah Bruce gauges reaction to Simon Burns’ announcement on the future of NPfIT in the North, Midlands and East of
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Swindells: ‘fight on’ for informaticians

The chair of BCS Healthcare, Matthew Swindells, has told a conference in Glasgow that the challenge for NHS informaticians “has
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Scotland plans Key Information Summary

NHS National Services Scotland has announced it will develop a Key Information Summary that will be fully integrated with its
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Mayo cuts appointments by 40 per cent

Online consultations could reduce the need for face-to-face appointments with GPs by 40%, the largest ever study of online visits
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