
Info revolution to back IT staff

The consultation on a new NHS information strategy calls for IT and informatics staff to be given greater status and
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Revolting people

Lyn Whitfield takes a first look at the consultation on a new information strategy for the NHS; which the government
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DH makes choice an obligation

GPs may be given a contractual obligation to offer choice and hospitals will be required to offer appointments to named
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E-prescribing 2010

E-prescribing should increase safety and efficiency. Both are starting to appeal to trusts. Daloni Carlisle reports.
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DH issues ‘info revolution’ strategy

The Department of Health has launched a three month consultation on proposals to deliver an “information revolution” to users of
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DH tenders for QMAS replacement

The Department of Health has published a tender for a GP Payments Calculation Service to calculate payments for the Quality
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Cambridge starts hunt for a new EPR

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust will go outside of the National Programme for IT in the NHS when procuring
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Robert Bosch Healthcare joins Continua

Continua Health Alliance, the international non-profit open industry alliance of leading healthcare and technology organisations, has been joined by telecare
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