
German PACS company expands in Europe

VISUS, the German company that provides image management systems, has announced it is expanding its presence to cover Northern and
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EHI Awards 2010: Shire force

IT foundations laid by the healthcare IT champion of the year John Thornbury have helped Worcestershire ride out bad weather
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Osborne tells NHS to support social care

The NHS will be expected to support social care as council budgets are slashed, Chancellor George Osborne announced this lunchtime.
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Software glitch muddles donor wishes

An independent review into how the wrong organs were removed from 25 donors in the UK has found that faulty
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Germany’s TMCC invests in telemedicine

Alcatel-Lucent has announced that Charité Telemedicine Centre Universitätsmedizin Berlin (TMCC) is to invest in video conferencing and customer relationship management
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Four suppliers sign up for IHR in Wales

NHS Wales has announced an agreement with four healthcare IT suppliers to deliver the Individual Health Record across the country.
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Trust takes Ensemble as managed service

Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust has appointed ReStart Consulting to deliver InterSystems' Ensemble integration engine through a managed service
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EC launches HEIDI health wiki

The Directorate General of Health and Consumers and the European Commission are developing a new website to provide information to
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